Have you received funds for travel support from a non-academic office within the School of Medicine?
If so, when and through which office?
Purpose of Request
It is very important to the School of Medicine that students have the opportunity to engage in professional development through conferences and meetings. Whether a student is traveling to present or to attend, our goal is to support students in this endeavor to the best of our abilities and resources. Given the high demand for travel assistance, the UNC School of Medicine has established the following policy regarding travel assistance.
Name of Conference/Meeting
Your role at conference/meeting [Select all that apply]
Please add more detail regarding your role at the conference/meeting. If you are presenting, please provide additional details. If you are representing an organization, please list the organization and your role within it.
Affiliated Department
Point of Contact
Please indicate below an approximate itemized budget of expenses. You can leave expenses that are not applicable blank.
Eligibility of this travel support scholarship is conditioned upon the requirement that you adhere to all University and School of Medicine academic, professionalism, and conduct standards and completion of the post-travel documentation. Please be advised that the School of Medicine reserves the right to deny applicants and/or place a financial hold on a student's account should they be found responsible for a violation of the University policy including but not limited to the University’s Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct while in attendance at the conference as a University of North Carolina School of Medicine representative.
Additionally, all recipients of the travel support must complete the “Post Conference Travel Form” within two weeks of returning from the conference or otherwise risk a hold being placed on their account until completion of the form.